When people come to CareCenter, most come with just the clothes on their back's. A lot of times they will be on drugs, or starting to detox, suicidal, suffering from mental illness, and at the end of their rope. We love watching God transform their lives- the only One that we believe can!
William Fitzgerald
My name is William Fitzgerald, and I’m 36 years old. Before coming to CareCenter, I had spent most of my adult life battling an addiction to alcohol, along with struggling horribly with anxiety and depression. Every day was spent just going through the motions. I would force myself to get up and go to work and try to fake being happy so that no one saw how miserable I truly was.
I first found out about CareCenter through my wife’s church (she had been faithfully attending church and praying for me for YEARS), but I wasn’t willing to go. I wanted something different, but I didn’t know how I could be away from my wife, and not working and helping to pay our bills. Still, I kept feeling God nudging me in that direction, until it was so overwhelming that I finally gave in. I know now that what I felt was God pulling me out of myself and my bondage, and into the plans and purpose He has for me.
Since coming to CareCenter, God has radically changed my life. He set me free from addiction, fear, anxiety and depression. He is restoring my marriage and blessing us in ways I never could have dreamed of before! I want to thank the Lord for bringing this dead man to life, and thank CareCenter for teaching me how to become a true man of God.
Donovan Williams
My name is Donovan Williams, and I am an intern in CareCenter Ministries Leadership Academy. Before coming to CareCenter, I spent 25 years in hard-core drug addiction. I first began experimenting with drugs when I was 13, and by the time I was 18, I was shooting meth along with using alcohol, cocaine, prescription pain pills, heroin and anything else I could get my hands on. The drugs severely deteriorated my mental state and led to me doing stints in both jail and mental institutions, and eventually earning me a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.
But God! Since coming to CareCenter Ministries Missouri in September 2020, God has completely transformed my life and restored me to the man He created me to be. I’ve been delivered of my addictions and schizophrenia. I am a man of God with the mind of Christ. I am living proof that He makes all things new. I’m proof that God can do ANYTHING and ALL THINGS. Where there is God, there is always hope. If He can do it for me, He can do it for anyone!! Now, my life is dedicated to following the Lord and helping to bring others out of the same darkness that bound me for so long.
And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
More to Come!
Working one our next testimony, stay tuned!